British Business Club Düsseldorf e.V.

A Talk on Carbon Trading/Climate Change

March 23, 2021 7:00 pm

Michael Azlen is a senior investment professional with 25 years of industry experience including the founding,growth and sale of a regulated investment management business.After a 15 year career spanning two Canadian banks and several alternative asset management companies, Mr. Azlen founded Frontier Investment Management in 2005 and grew the business to profitability before selling thebusiness to a public company in 2013 and completing his earnout in 2016.Michael then focused on research into climate change and impact investment strategies. As we have seen fromrecent record-breaking heatwaves and increased incidences of drought/wildfires, our climate is changing rapidlydue to human generated emissions. The next 10 to 20 years are the most important period for mankind to makesubstantial and sustainable emissions reductions and the urgency of this objective cannot be overstated as thepotential negative impacts to society are immense.Michael formed Carbon Cap Management LLP in 2018 as an environmental asset manager focused on climatechange and launched the World Carbon Fund in February 2020. The fund investsinto multiple liquid and regulatedcarbon markets and aimsto generate strong uncorrelated returns and a directimpact on carbon emissions. CarbonCap’s mission is to raise awareness about climate change and to provide solutions directly related to the cappingand reduction of carbon dioxide emissions.Mr. Azlen holds a Sloan Masters Degree in Leadership and Strategy from London Business School and is a CharteredAlternative Investment Analyst (CAIA) and has completed the LSE’s “Economics and Governance of ClimateChange” course.Mr. Azlen is a regular speaker at investment conferences and has been a guest lecturer on the graduate degreeprograms at London Business School for more than 15 years.